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Frequently Asked Questions

Windows Client

The Windows Desktop Client allows you to back up, restore, synchronize and share content on your PC within Synchronoss Capsyl and across other connected devices. To sync files to the cloud, just move or copy them into the Synchronoss Capsyl folder in Windows Explorer.
The Synchronoss Capsyl Desktop Clients can be downloaded by visiting the Web client, then clicking on your name, and finally selecting Get the Desktop App in the menu.
You can access your files in Windows Explorer by clicking on the World icon of the Synchronoss Capsyl dashboard and then login to your account via the web.
You must have Windows 10 or later in order for Synchronoss Capsyl to run correctly.
Files and folders are automatically uploaded to the cloud by selecting them in the Backup tab within the app.

Mac Desktop Client

The Mac Desktop Client allows you to backup, restore, synchronize and share content on your Mac within Synchronoss Capsyl and across other connected devices. To sync files to the cloud, just move or copy them into the Synchronoss Capsyl folder in Finder.
The Synchronoss Capsyl Desktop Client can be downloaded by visiting the Web client, then clicking on your name, and finally selecting "Get the Desktop App" in the menu.
A bar will appear at the top of your desktop dashboard advising you to update to the latest version. You simply click on the update button on display follow the prompts and the rest will automatically update itself.
You can access the Synchronoss Capsyl folder from the Finder by clicking on the Synchronoss Capsyl icon in the Apple Menu bar at the top of the screen and then selecting Open Synchronoss Capsyl. Synchronoss Capsyl can also be found in your Favorites list in Finder.
Files and folders are automatically uploaded to the cloud by placing them in the Synchronoss Capsyl folder in Finder.

Web Client

My Activity is the home screen of the Web Client. Broken down by content class in the following order: Photos & Videos, Music, Documents, and Contacts. This drives home the value of the cloud for each user by displaying their content on the Synchronoss Capsyl activity screen.
You must have the following browser versions in order for the Synchronoss Capsyl to function correctly:
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox – latest version (Windows only)
  • Apple Safari (Mac Only)
  • Google Chrome - latest version ( Windows & Mac)
You can view all of your files from the web application. There are specific views for contacts, photos, videos, music and documents on the Web. If you wish to browse by folder or files, you can do this in the All my files section.
Videos are located within the Photos section of the Web Client. Select Photos on the left hand side of the screen.
Because we don’t allow the editing or deletion of messages or call logs, they are not displayed in the Web Client. Messages and call logs can only be backed up and restored from the mobile applications.

iOS Client

The home screen provides users with a summary of content such as recent highlights, photos and music. This view also displays any content, as well as any flashbacks.
You must have the following OS versions in order for the Synchronoss Capsyl to function correctly:
  • iOS (OS current and last version) – iPhones and iPads
  • The current iOS reference devices are the iPhone Xs Max and the iPad Pro
You can access any file that is in your Synchronoss Capsyl from the mobile application. You can browse by Photos/Videos, Documents or Music or you can browse by folder in the All Files view.
You can backup Photos, Videos & Contacts.
Click the Navigation Menu (three lines in upper left corner), then select Home, and then click on the on the cloud then select back up now.

Android Client

This activity view provides users with a summary of content broken down by data class: photo albums, photos, documents, Highlights, music added.
You must have the following OS versions in order for the Synchronoss Capsyl to function correctly:
  • Android (OS current and last version) – Smartphones and Tablets
  • The Android reference devices are the Google referenced ones (
You can access any file that is in your Synchronoss Capsyl from the mobile application. You can browse by Photos/Videos, Documents or Music or you can browse by folder in the All Files view. You cannot view messages or call logs, only back them up or restore them.
Documents, Music, Photos, Videos, Contacts, Messages, and Call Logs.
Files and folders are automatically uploaded to the cloud by selecting them in the Backup tab within the app.

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